Güncel Gönderiler: Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 430, listelenen: 381-400
Affective reactions to one’s whole life: Preliminary development and validation of the ontological well-being scale
(Springer, 2012)In line with the perspective provided by the intentional paradigm which claims that the measures of subjective well-being (SWB), whether cognitive or affective, should refer to life itself, the Ontological Well-Being Scale ... -
A cross-cultural investigation into the relationships among parental support for basic psychological needs, sense of uniqueness and happiness
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)A significant number of empirical studies have reported that parental support for basic psychological needs is a robust correlate of adolescent happiness. Yet, less is known about the mechanisms responsible for this link. ... -
A composite score for Dokuz Eylul cognitive state neurocognitivetest battery: a door-to-door survey study with illiterate, low and high educated elderly in Turkey
(2014)This study aimed to develop a composite score for the Turkish neuropsychological test battery named Dokuz Eylul Cognitive State for a large well educated and less educated elderly population, including those with mild ... -
(Elsevier, 2012)The construct of self-efficacy was grounded on the basis of challenges to diet and fluid restrictions and then the findings were used to develop a questionnaire to quantify patients’ perception of their ability to overcome ... -
Mindfulness and personality as predictors of self-compassion
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2013)… -
Framingham risk score but not framingham stroke risk profile is an independent predictor of impaired cognitive function among older people, free of cardiovascular disease
(Springer, 2012)Background: Vascular risk factors contribute to cognitive impairment, which may be the earlier manifestation of vascular brain injury. This study examined the relationship between 10-year risk for coronary heart disease ... -
Psikoloji tarihi
(Ötüken Yayınları, 2012)Yazara göre, davranışlar, iç ve dış çevre koşullarına adaptasyon aracıdır ve uygun davranışları oluşturma bakımından bilinç yaşamsal önem taşır. Zihnin işleyişinde bilince yansımayan süreçler de vardır; fakat çözüm ya da ... -
Öz anlayış ve bilinçli farkındalık
(Maya Akademi, 2011)Bireyler yaşamlarının belli dönemlerinde umutsuzluk, acı, üzüntü, tükenmişlik ve başarısızlık gibi olumsuz duygular yaşayabilirler. Bireyin bu olumsuz duygularla başa çıkabilmesi için, kendilerini rahatlatmaları, ... -
Translator: Expert of what translator training and the changing/changeful identity of the translator
(Karabuk University, 2013)The aim of this paper is to trace the contemporary perceptions/definitions of the translator and translation in Turkey where the translation profession is not a legally regulated profession. (In)visibility of the translator ... -
Mevlana çevirilerinde sembollerin önemi: 'Ney' ve 'Gel' örneğinde Mesnevi'nin evrensel hoşgörü çağrısı
(Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2013)Bu çalışmada Mesnevi’de yer alan sembolik ifadelerden örneklerle Mevlana’nın çağrısının evrensel boyutunu ele almaktayız. Mevlana öğretisinin evrensel boyuta taşınabilmesinde çeviriler önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Mesnevi ...